P r e s e n t e r   D e t a i l s 

Name: Osborne, Kerry
Job Title: Black Belt Team Lead - Google
Organization: Google
Email: kerryosborne@google.com
Biographical Sketch: Kerry Osborne is an Oracle performance specialist. He is the founder of Enkitec; an expert model Oracle-focused consulting company that was acquired by Accenture in 2014 (now the Accenture Enkitec Group). He is also a co-founder of Gluent, a software company that provided transparent between many analytic engines (Oracle, Snowflake, BigQuery, Redshift, Hadoop, Synapse, …) Gluent’s IP was aquired by Google in 2022 and the team joined Google to form a specialized group of databases experts (Black Belts) that focus on helping enterprise customers. Kerry has co-authored two Oracle books, Pro Oracle SQL (with Karen Morton) and Expert Oracle Exadata (with Tanel Poder).
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