P r e s e n t e r   D e t a i l s 

Name: Gorman, Timothy
Job Title: Principal
Organization: Bridgeton Data, Inc
Email: tim@bridgetondata.com
Biographical Sketch: Tim Gorman is principal of Bridgeton Data Inc, a professional services firm based in Oregon. Since 1984, he has worked at Oracle, Delphix, Microsoft, and as an independent Oracle consultant.

Tim is a member of RMOUG since 1990, a member of the RMOUG board of directors from 1995-2018, served as president of RMOUG for nine 1-year terms. He is co-author of six books on Oracle technology, a member of the Oak Table Network, and is an Oracle ACE Director alumnus.
Accomplishments: Oracle ACE Director (2012-2019)
Oracle ACE (2007 - 2012)
Oak Table Network (2002 - present)
Co-author, "Oracle8 Data Warehousing", Wiley & Sons, 1998
Co-author, "Essential Oracle8i Data Warehousing", Wiley & Sons, 2000
Co-author, "Oracle Insights: Tales Of The Oak Table", Apress, 2004
Co-author, "Expert Oracle Practices: Oracle Database Administration from the Oak Table", Apress, 2010
Co-author, "Beginning Oracle SQL", Apress, 2011
Co-author, "Beginning Oracle SQL for Oracle12c", Apress, 2014
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