P r e s e n t e r   D e t a i l s 

Name: Gorman, Kellyn
Job Title: Director of Technical Advocacy
Organization: Silk
Email: dbakevlar@gmail.com
Biographical Sketch: With over two decades of dedicated experience in the realm of relational database technology and proficiency in diverse public clouds, Kellyn, as the Director of Technical Advocacy at Silk stands as a beacon of technical brilliance in the industry.

Delving deep into the intricacies of databases early in their career, she has developed an unmatched expertise, particularly in Oracle on Azure. This combination of traditional database knowledge with an insight into modern cloud infrastructure has enabled her to bridge the gap between past and present technologies, and foresee the innovations of tomorrow.
Accomplishments: Technical Architect over the Oracle Migration Accelerator in Azure, the holistic motion for Oracle in Microsoft Azure. Awarded Microsoft Champion in 2021 and Technical Solution Award by an Individual in 2022. Kellyn is now on the DZone Community Advisory Board, a core contributor and the instructor for the upcoming LinkedIn Learning Oracle 23c virtual courses.
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