A b s t r a c t 

Title: 23c Free and Me: A deep dive on how to optimize Oracle Database FREE editions
Presenter: Simon Pane
Organization: Pythian
Summary: You've probably heard of 23c Free - this deep dive covers advanced installation and configuration options. Including what you can do to maximize its potential given the capacity constraints and other tricks you might need to know to use this edition as effectively as possible in your environment.
Topic: Database/DBaaS Administration
Session Type: One Hour Session
Target Audience: Database Administration
Experience Level: All
Session: 2: 02/08/2024 10:10 am to 11:10 am
Location: Database/DBaaS Administration
Biographical Sketch: Simon Pane is an Oracle Certified Professional, Oracle Certified Expert, Oracle ACE, and a member of several formal industry and community Advisory Boards. Working with the Oracle database since version 7 to the most current releases. Simon works with Oracle and PostgreSQL on a daily basis as a Principal Consultant for Pythian, with a focus on database security, cloud implementations, and migrations.

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