A b s t r a c t 

Title: The Evolution of Data Guard and Active Data Guard 23c: Features & Best Practices
Presenter: Glen Hawkins
Organization: Oracle
Summary: Join this session to explore how Data Guard 23c has evolved over the past 5 years to understand what features and best practices can be utilized with each version. The session will cover a technical deep dive into each of the new features, including the long-awaited Multitenant Data Guard feature.
Topic: Database/DBaaS Administration
Session Type: One Hour Session
Target Audience: Database Administration
Experience Level: Intermediate
Session: 1: 02/08/2024 9:00 am to 10:00 am
Location: Database/DBaaS Administration
Biographical Sketch: Glen Hawkins is the Senior Director of Product Management within Oracle's Core Database products group. In this role, Glen leads a product management team focused on defining, developing, and delivering product strategy for the company's Oracle Maximum Availability Architecture (MAA) solutions both on-premises and in the Oracle Cloud in addition to key features of the Oracle Database including Oracle Data Guard, Flashback, Online Operations, Edition-based Redefinition and Fleet Patching & Provisioning. Mr. Hawkins has extensive experience in the development of database and application technologies and has been a frequent speaker at technology conferences around the world.

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