A b s t r a c t 

Title: Prepare for Oracle Database 23c
Presenter: Charles Kim
Organization: Viscosity North America
Summary: The multi-tenant option is critical to upgrading to Oracle Database 23c. If you have not embraced it yet, what are the things that you need to factor in as part of the upgrade. We will discuss the upgrade path to Oracle Database 23c. We will discuss what you can do to prepare for this journey, how to have the important conversation with your management on why this upgrade is critical to the organization, and most importantly, what are some of the options to reduce or eliminate your downtime.
Topic: Database/DBaaS Administration
Session Type: One Hour Session
Target Audience: Database Administration
Experience Level: All
Session: 6: 02/09/2024 9:00 am to 10:00 am
Location: Database/DBaaS Administration
Biographical Sketch: Charles Kim is an Oracle ACE Director, VMware vExpert, an Oracle Certified DBA, Certified Exadata Specialist, and a Certified Oracle Linux, Oracle Cloud, and RAC Expert. Charles was selected into the Oracle ACE Program on May 2008 and became an Oracle ACE Director as of December 2009. Charles has been an Oracle ACE Director every year since 2009. Charles became a VMware vExpert in the class of 2013.

Charles specializes in Cloud, Exadata, RAC, and Virtualization (VMware, KVM and Oracle VM) and co-authored ten books around the Oracle EcoSystem:

– Oracle Cloud Pocket Reference Guide – A Handbook on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
– PDB Me to Oracle Cloud
– A Lazy DBA’s Guide to Mastering Multi-Tenant
– Exadata Expert Handbook
– Oracle Database 11g New Features for DBA and Developers
– Linux Recipes for Oracle DBAs
– Oracle Data Guard 11g Handbook
– Virtualizing Business Critical Oracle Databases: Database As A Service
– Oracle ASM 12c Pocket Reference Guide
– Virtualizing Hadoop
– Solaris and Linux Recipes for Oracle DBAs.

Charles is the Founder and CEO of Viscosity North America, a highly specialized niche consulting organization comprised of industry experts in Oracle Engineered Systems, RAC, Oracle Cloud, Virtualization and Performance Tuning.

Charles holds certifications in Oracle Databases, VMware, Red Hat & Oracle Linux, and Microsoft and has over 30 years of Oracle experience on mission and business critical databases. Charles presents regularly at local, regional, national and international Oracle conferences including IOUG Collaborate, VMware World, RMOUG, UKOUG, New Zealand/Australia Oracle User Group, and Oracle OpenWorld on topics of Oracle Cloud, RAC, Exadata, Database Consolidations, Private Database Cloud, ASM, Linux Best Practices, Data Guard Best Practices, Performance Tuning, VMware Virtualization Best Practices, and 7×24 High Availability Considerations.

His linkedin profile is: http://www.linkedin.com/in/chkim
His twitter tag is: @racdba

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