A b s t r a c t 

Title: Data Viz is In! Charts in APEX
Presenter: Karen Cannell
Organization: TH Technology
Summary: Data Viz is In! Charts add pizazz and impact, and Oracle JET charts in APEX make it easy. There are many chart types, and the query syntax is simple, so everyone should be adopting them. Why not you? This session covers the essentials for becoming fluent in using Oracle JET charts in APEX.
Oracle JET charts are the APEX charting engine, for regions, Interactive Grids and Interactive Reports. We will introduce Oracle JET and JET charts, describe key features and chart types, and demonstrate how to build various chart types, simple to complex. We will detail query syntax and chart attributes for common types and provide tips on when to use which type for the best visualization impact. We will cover the <oj-chart> reference and using JavaScript to customize charts beyond their declarative options. We will address configuring charts in interactive grids and reports and offer recommendations to make it easier for end users to build their own. Data visualization is β€œIn” – so attend and become comfortable with adopting JET charts in APEX now.

Topic: Application Development
Session Type: One Hour Session
Target Audience: Development
Experience Level: Intermediate
Session: 4: 02/08/2024 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Location: Analytics / Developer
Biographical Sketch: Karen Cannell is CTHO of TH Technology, a US-based consulting firm focused on Oracle technologies with an APEX specialty. Karen is an Oracle ACE Director, ODTUG Director and KEO #1, APEX gal, frequent user group volunteer, long-time user group advocate and conference presenter. kcannell@thtechnology.com @thtechnology

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