A b s t r a c t 

Title: Get your money’s worth out of your Database
Presenter: Patrick Barel
Organization: Qualogy
Summary: Stop treating your database as a bit bucket and start using the advanced features available in the database. If you use the database to its full extend you will not only see an increase in performance of your application, but also an increase of the productivity of the developers.
Topic: Application Development
Session Type: One Hour Session
Target Audience: Development
Experience Level: All
Session: 2: 02/08/2024 10:10 am to 11:10 am
Location: Analytics / Developer
Biographical Sketch: Patrick Barel is a PL/SQL Developer for Qualogy [http://www.qualogy.com/] in the Netherlands. Besides working with SQL and PL/SQL he wrote different plug-ins [http://plugins.bar-solutions.com/] for PL/SQL Developer [http://www.allroundautomations.com/]. He publishes articles on his own blog [http://blog.bar-solutions.com/].
In 2015 he received the Oracle Developer Choice Award in the PL/SQL Category.
In 2019 he was promoted to ACE Director.
In 2023 he published his first book: Modern Oracle Database Programming [https://www.amazon.com/Modern-Oracle-Database-Programming-Powerful/dp/1484291654]

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