A b s t r a c t 

Title: You Down With OPG? Yeah, in 23c!
Presenter: Jim Czuprynski
Organization: Zero Defect Computing, Inc.
Summary: A modern business truism is that a lie can circle the globe in the time it takes for truth to put on its shoes. Transactional inquiries and OLAP analyses are old hat - the next frontier involves understanding exactly how customers’ habits and attitudes influence their network of fellow customers in real time, even if they’re personally unknown to each other. Fortunately, Oracle 23c’s new Operational Property Graphs (OPGs) make it possible to discover what trends are impacting customer goodwill even while influencers are posting their reviews.
Topic: Emerging Technologies
Session Type: One Hour Session
Target Audience: Development
Experience Level: Novice
Session: 6: 02/09/2024 9:00 am to 10:00 am
Location: Emerging Technologies
Biographical Sketch: Jim Czuprynski has 40+ years of professional experience in Information Technology, serving diverse roles at various Fortune 1000 companies before becoming an Oracle DBA in 2001. He has been an Oracle ACE Director since 2014 and is a sought-after public speaker on Oracle technology, presenting often at Oracle OpenWorld, Oracle CODE, Kscope, Oracle Development Community tours, and Oracle User Group conferences around the world.

Jim has authored 100+ articles on Oracle Database administration, ML/analytics, and APEX since 2003 at databasejournal.com, IOUG SELECT, and ODTUG TechCeleration and has co-authored four books on Oracle database technology. Jim’s blog, Generally … It Depends (https://jimthewhyguy.com), contains his regular observations on all things Oracle and the state of the IT industry.

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