A b s t r a c t 

Title: 23c Database AI Vector Search, The What, The How, and The Possibilities
Presenter: Bobby Curtis
Organization: RheoData
Summary: Oracle 23c introduces AI Vector Search, a new feature that utilizes vector data types to enhance search and analysis capabilities. By enabling vector data types, Oracle allows for the storage and manipulation of complex data like images, audio, and videos as vectors of numbers that can be processed and understood by machine learning models. This feature enables advanced search functionalities, where users can input a sample data (text, images, videos, etc.), and the database will return similar images based on their underlying vector representations, enhancing the speed and relevancy of media-based searches.

This forth coming Oracle release offers a seamless and more integrated environment for working with vector data types. The possibilities of this technology are vast, and the presentation will delve into use cases around text catalog management aiming to provide context around Oracle’s strategy with Vector datatypes and Generative AI.

The presentation will cover:

- What: A thorough explanation of Oracle's AI Vector Search and vector data types, including its architecture, and potential applications
- How: A demonstration of how to implement Oracle's AI Vector Search
- Possibilities: A brief discussion of the transformative potential of AI Vector Search

This presentation aims to give audiences a comprehensive overview of Oracle 23c's new feature and explore the advancements in AI and database technology for managing complex data.
Topic: Emerging Technologies
Session Type: One Hour Session
Target Audience: Database Administration
Experience Level: All
Session: 7: 02/09/2024 10:10 am to 11:10 am
Location: Emerging Technologies
Biographical Sketch: Bobby Curtis is the President and Senior Consultant at RheoData, a global systems integrator based out of Atlanta, Georgia. As an Oracle ACE Director Alumni and published author, he has a wide range of knowledge from database technologies, to data movement, and cloud architectures. Before running RheoData, Bobby worked for Oracle as the core product manager for Oracle GoldenGate and various consulting firms specializing in creating, maintaining, tuning, and integrating enterprise database solutions to help solve business problems. Bobby hosts a blog, http://dbasolved.com, which is respected as a source of information for solving complex issues related to Oracle technologies, especially Oracle GoldenGate. Along with his blog, Bobby is active on Twitter under the handle @DBASolved. During his downtime, Bobby enjoys spending time with his family while traveling to watch his children compete in their respective sports. Outside of work, he is a geek, either writing the next chapters of an upcoming book or looking for technical solutions to solve.

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